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Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How do you brush with braces?

When you wear braces, brushing is really important, but it can be a little unpleasant at first if you’ve never done it before. You’ll get used to it in no time if you make a few modest changes to your typical brushing routine.

Here’s how to brush your teeth while wearing braces, step by step effectively:

STEP 1- Brush the outside side of your teeth: When you smile, the outer side of your teeth is visible. Remember to clean the plaque from the region of your tooth that is closest to your gum line.

STEP 2- Brush your teeth from the inside: On the inside of your top and bottom teeth, move your toothbrush back and forth, up and down, and then in circular motions. Because your teeth are not crowded when you have braces, brushing the inner side of your teeth is usually the simplest.

STEP 3- Brush your teeth’s crowns: Hold your toothbrush perpendicular to the gaps between your teeth. Use a circular motion when rubbing the brush back and forth. This makes it easier to access the difficult-to-reach areas where plaque and food particles might accumulate.

STEP 4- Concentrate on other areas of your mouth: Germs and plaque in your mouth feed gingivitis. Brushing and massaging your gums, cheeks, and tongue are also important. Before you begin, spit if required.

STEP 5- Examine your teeth: Do they appear to be clean? If you see any plaque or food, brush it away with your rinsed toothbrush. If you want to, quickly brush them over (in any way you like) to get rid of anything you might have missed.

STEP 6- Pick your toothbrush: An electric or sonic toothbrush intended for cleaning around braces may be preferable. Make sure you use the proper amount of pressure and rotate the head completely. 

For more tips, you can schedule your appointment with your dentist at the earliest.
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