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How Do You Clean Invisalign Retainers?

If you have started your orthodontic journey with Invisalign clear aligners, you must have received a set of clear trays that will move your teeth slowly to their desired position. The aligners look like the retainers that people use at the end of their traditional orthodontic treatment to prevent teeth from moving back to their old positions.

You must have heard or known about how one needs to take care of their oral regime while on metal braces. Though metal braces need higher levels of maintenance, one also needs to take care of the removable aligners.

In this article, we will understand why it is essential to clean your Invisalign trays, how often to clean them, and some tips on cleaning these clear retainers.

Why Should We Keep Our Aligners Clean?

Invisalign retainers come as clear plastic trays that fit snugly on your teeth. You need the aligners to hold your teeth tightly to ensure there is enough pressure to move your dentitions into their positions.

  • Due to the snug fit of the aligners on your teeth, they can trap anything inside of the aligners or your teeth, such as food particles, bacteria, liquid, plaque, etc.
  • Your saliva does not have space to flow freely beneath the retainers and cannot wash away bad stuff that would linger on your enamel.
  • This trapping of unwanted material within your aligners makes you prone to tooth decay and discolored teeth. Hence, you must ensure you clean your teeth along with aligners every time you take them out and put them back in.
  • Make sure you rinse your mouth and the aligners thoroughly after every meal or drink.
  • If you are drinking beverages that are highly pigmented (coffee, tea, red wine, etc.) or sugary, you must clean your mouth properly before putting back the aligners.

How Often Should I Clean The Invisible Trays?

Before we give you the best way to clean your trays, first let us understand how often we need to clean them.

  • You should clean the aligners at least twice a day, one in the morning and another before bed.
  • After every food or drink, rinse your aligners properly with water before you put them back.
  • If needed, you can occasionally deep clean your aligners (we will discuss this shortly). But this step is not necessary since by the time the aligners need a deep cleanse, you will have started a new set. But if you really want to, you can give your aligners a deep cleanse once a week.
  • For the retainers, initially, you would have to follow the same schedule as you do for aligners, as you need to wear them the whole day.

Tips For Sparkling Clean Invisalign Aligners and Retainers

Though it is essential to keep your trays clean at all times, it is not an inconvenient process, and one can do it easily in a few minutes.

  • Use soft-bristled toothbrush – You might find a sleuth of products in the market just for cleaning Invisalign, but the most affordable and equally effective option is the toothbrush you use. Do not use toothpaste when cleaning your trays, as they can be abrasive. You can use just lukewarm water to clean them, but if they start to smell, use any colorless, gentle soap but make sure you wash the soap off thoroughly.
  • Use Cleaning System From Invisalign – Invisalidng has its own line of cleaning systems that contains cleaning crystals. They work well, especially if your aligners have stains or discoloration, but it is not mandatory to use them. Since you will be changing your aligners every two weeks or so, you can save money by using your toothbrush for cleaning purposes.
  • Retainer cleaning brands – There are many brands that have cleaners for retainers but do check with your orthodontist on the brand you wish to use.
  • Use a denture or retainer cleaning tablet – You have special retainer cleaning tablets, but you could also use denture tablets to clean your retainers. Put your trays in a bowl, cover them completely with lukewarm water, and drop a cleaning tablet. Shake the container to dissolve the tablet and let your appliance soak in it for fifteen minutes (or the duration specified on the tablet’s package). Finally, rinse your retainers with warm water.
  • DIY cleaner with distilled white vinegar and lukewarm water – White vinegar is safe and removes bacteria and plaque buildup, along with deodorizing your retainers or aligners. Use three parts of lukewarm water with one part of distilled white vinegar in a container and stir them well. Submerge your appliance completely in this solution and soak them for fifteen minutes. Later, rinse them with water thoroughly.

Summing Up 

Apart from some of the tips given here for cleaning your Invisalign trays, you can also use an ultrasonic cleanser for deep cleaning the appliance.